Shipping Policy

  • We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and on time. Please note our shipping policy as follows:
  • Currently we deliver within United Arab Emirates only.
  • We make our best efforts to ship each item in your order within 2 working days of the order. However, in some cases, we may take longer, up to 5 working days, to ship the order. 
  • We ship on all weekdays (Monday to Saturday), excluding public holidays.
  • Currently, each order may be shipped only to a single destination address. If you wish to ship products to different addresses, you shall need to place multiple orders.
  • To ensure that your order reaches you in the fastest time and in good condition, we only ship through reputed courier agencies.
  • While we shall Endeavour to ship all items in your order together, this may not always be possible due to product characteristics, or availability.
  • Free delivery above AED 100.